Sunday, February 17, 2008

ASSIGNMENT 3-1 DATE: 2/17/08


The topic I chose for this week is Britney Spears. This is a girl who has risen to great fame as a child star. She continually keeps her name out in popular media. Britney seems to be having some real problems with her life. One major problem seems to be she may have some sort of mental disease or illness.

Mental disease or illness are not that uncommon and just because you are diagnosed with a mental disease or disorder does not mean you cannot live a happy life. Britney seems to just buck the system on this if she really does have a mental disease she needs to learn how to keep in under control. If she did that her life would probably get back to some sort of normal resemblance.

I believe there are a lot of driving factors in the breakdown of Britney. She was a star too young, all the celebrity went to her head, she married too young and to the wrong kind of guy, she has been in and out of rehab like many other young celebrities and she has had emotional problems dealing with her family. Any one of the problems mentioned above would be enough to drive some people batty.

Britney has to start taking her life back. She needs to get the proper help she needs and eventually she can pull her life back together. If she did this I bet a judge would let her have visitations with her children. The media needs to just leave Britney alone so she can concentrate on getting herself better. Mental illness is a huge part of American culture but one that not many people want to acknowledge or understand.

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