Sunday, March 30, 2008

ASSIGNMENT 9-1 DATE: 3/30/08

Smoking is a topic of great heated discussion these days. Back in the olden days, smoking was something that high society people did. You could look at somebody and tell what class they fit in based off many things one being the cigarettes they smoked. Back in those days they had long holders for their cigarettes that made smoking more elegant looking.

Cigarette manufacturer's have used very effective advertising methods throughout the years. The one that sticks in my head the most is the Marlboro man. He was the perfect tool to get girls to smoke, a gorgeous cowboy. Another one that was used was cartoon figures that made smoking look fun. Smoking has gone from a socially acceptable habit to a very bad habit.

These days there are always heated discussions about smoking. The city I live in has just passed a smoking ban in all public places. I feel this is a great step in keeping people healthier. By making smoking less attractive and less acceptable it will hopefully make less people start smoking and make more people quit smoking. I love the thought that July 1st if I want to go to the bar to have a drink I will come home not smelling like a smoke stack. I love the idea of going out to eat and not smelling smoke as I'm eating. Many people are complaining about this ban saying our rights are being taken away. Well my response is this...your still have every right to smoke, you'll just have to do it outside or in your vehicle.

Is everybody going to agree with every law or ban put in place? NO! If the bans or laws make society a better place to live in we shouldn't complain.

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